

8234 W State Rd 84, Davie, FL 33324, USA

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Victor Da Silva March 24, 2019 1:26 am

By far this academy is a 11/10. The coaches here are amazing and ensure the greatest learning environment possible for the students. The skill in this gym is phenomenal, with champions everywhere training to get each other better. If you’re not training here then you’re missing out.


Raul Reyes January 31, 2019 5:32 pm

Coach Joe is always pushing me to be a better grappler. My game has evolved to another level. I do privates with coach Joe and train at night. I’m planning on brining my nephew and friends to train with us. Coach Joe has inspired me as an athlete and as a family man.

Frank Messina November 24, 2018 3:32 pm

I have trained in other martial arts, and never have I felt more at home at a gym than here. The environment is purely one of family and good intention.

Frances Rodriguez October 13, 2018 3:59 pm

Being in this gym is like being with family. When you walk in, you feel a welcoming environment not only from the coaches, but the parents of the students as well. I see how the coaches are so in love with the sport and the desire they have for the students to feel the same way. They create an environment that’s not only fun for the students, but for the parents watching as well.

Nicole LaMendola September 24, 2018 12:05 pm

Love this gym! Has a great family atmosphere, and the instructors are very patient and kind. They have a great track record of performing well at competitions!