

7376 NW 5th St, Plantation, FL 33317, USA

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Psychotherapy services, clinical supervision for social workers and mental health counselors, coaching to start a private practice

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Jessica ramirez October 26, 2017 10:43 pm
Rachel Lehrman August 14, 2016 4:12 pm

She’s really down-to-earth, funny, and knowledgeable. It didn’t feel intense at all when I went to a session, it just felt like talking; suggesting coping skills, breathing techniques and going back through my past to really address what was holding me back in the present. She knows how to have you slowly unravel what gives you anxiety, depression, or whatever you have, and make peace with it. I like her coping skills to deal with any residual effects that may take more time to heal, it lets you handle everyday life and the world doesn’t feel so intimidating. The best therapist makes therapy not even feel like therapy, just breaking life (past, present and future) down into something that’s manageable, instead of life feeling like Mt. Everest. When I first started with Lisa, I had no job and was not in school. I could barely manage to make myself leave the house, do certain basic chores and rarely saw my friends. Two years later, I have 2 jobs that I love and am going back to college. I smile everyday and it’s not a mask. I don’t think I’d be here today if it weren’t for her. Highly recommended.