100 NW 82nd Ave #102, Plantation, FL 33324, USA
Opening Hours
Missing business hours. Claim this business to add business hours of operation. Claim listing is subject to ownership verification.South Florida Nephrology Group is the largest nephrology group in Broward county, Florida. Our physicians: Rachael Bloomfield, Asghar Chaudhry, Juan Carbonell, Rajdeep Gadh 8251 West Broward Blvd. Suite 100 Plantation Florida,, Radu Jacob, Victoe Fernandez, Mohamad Kassem. Our offices: Plantation office is located at: 8251 West Broward Blvd. Suite 100, Plantation Florida 33324 Coral Springs office is located at: 722 Riverside Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33071 Our second office in Coral Springs, is located at: 850 Riverside Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33071