2550 S Flamingo Rd, Davie, FL 33325, USA
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The school gets a 1 star review as there is no way to mark 0 star.
I chose the school and trusted it with my most precious gift…. my 4 year old daughter. I regret this choice as it was a school that did not offer my daughter the love and respect all children deserve.
Our experience: My daughter was under constant threats ( they would tell her that I would not be back to pick her up if she did not stop crying). She was verbally abused: I personally observed this along side the director and owner Mr. Garcia (who had no way of justifying this behavior). We saw how one for her teachers yelled at her in a loud and threatening form to go to the bathroom (when my daughter said she did not have to go); my daughter was terrified and crying.
I reported this issue and the school to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), so they could investigate.
As if this wasn’t enough, I later received a call from MRs. Garcia owner, wife of Mr. Garcia (as she introduced herself) in a loud threatening voice telling me that I was prohibited from talking to any parents at the school. If this is the way the directives treat other adults (who are able to speak up and fend for ourselves) how do they treat the children whom can’t do so and will just be afraid of that adult figure.
My daughter went here last year they are amazing