

111 N Pine Island Rd, Plantation, FL 33324, USA

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Bruce Perraud January 21, 2019 9:27 pm

Spoke to Dr. and he said he didn’t take new patients. He said, “I told you that already”. I had never spoken with him before. Seems he needs to take his own medicine. Would not recommend no matter how much he has been written up in USNews.

Maria Rozo April 24, 2018 3:39 pm

Dr Patel is very professional and he really cares about you. He treated you with compassion and understanding of your personal situation. I am so gratefull for having him helping me.

P Davis January 9, 2018 3:54 am
Jennifer Mary January 6, 2018 8:14 pm

Dr. Patel is very kind, understanding, knowledgeable, and easy to talk to. All other clients I’ve met in the waiting room have had high thoughts of him as well. He helped me to gain a better understanding of my purpose and to be more calm. He also recommended a therapist that helped me as well. Thanks for everything Dr. Patel. Best wishes always.

Jonathan David January 3, 2017 4:59 pm

Don’t even bother with this Doctor, i called him and tried to explain my situation and he is a pompous arrogant fool, he said because i was prescribed 1mg of zanax 4 times a day he would not take me, He didnt even try to work with me, He said he has a SMALL ELITE clientele, I told him i was looking for a physician, i have insurance i’m prescribed 1 medication, He basically told me he just dosen’t feel like taking me, My money is not as good as his SMALL ELITE clientele, He short cutted me off the phone. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE experience.